Monday 3 October 2016

PIttenweem Harbour

I've just finished another mixed media (oil pastels and acrylics) painting of Pittenweem Harbour. Fun to paint and popular in the East Neuk of Fife!

Pittenweem Harbour
Mixed Media

Saturday 1 October 2016

More Sunflowers!

Recently I have been pursuing the sunflower theme based on my previous drawing. I have painted a vase full of them in acrylic, used the ink and paint method and a batik version using tempera paints and ink. The latter is achieved by drawing an image with chalk pastels, painting it with three coats of paint, covering with ink and, then, gently washing away the ink. The results are interesting:

Sunflowers in a Blue Vase

                                           Sunflower                                                           Sunflower
                                   Acrylic and Ink                                                    Acrylic and Ink

Acrylic and Ink

Tempera and Ink

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Autumn has arrived in the East Neuk of Fife, therefore, the temperature has gone up to 20+ degrees! Susan Forsyth's lessons have begun again and today we have been working on our drawing skills with, appropriately enough given the weather, sunflowers:

Pen drawing

Sunday 4 September 2016

Pitkerie Doocot, Anstruther

Recently I have been working on several different ways of depicting the Pitkerie Doocot (dovecot for those of you unfamiliar with Scots). The Doocot is an icon building in this area, visible just off the Anstruther to Saint Andrews road. When she was younger my grand daughter, Sophie, said that this was her castle and she was going to live there when she was a grown up princess. 

I have produced an oil painting of this subject, a watercolour (enhanced with a little bit of ink drawing) and several mixed media versions - mainly ink and acrylic.

Pitkerie Doocot

Pitkerie Doocot

                                        Pitkerie Doocot                                                  Pitkerie Doocot
                                      Mixed Media                                                        Mixed Media

Pitkerie Doocot
Mixed Media

Monday 22 August 2016

Harbour Scenes

During the last week I have been working on harbour scenes using mixed media techniques. One strand has been using my sraffito technique - oil pastels and acrylic with scratching for shading and modelling and the other strand has been using ink and block printing and finishing off with acrylic. Here are a couple of examples:

Harbour Scene 1
Mixed Media

Harbour Scene 2
Mixed Media

Monday 15 August 2016

Success at the Pittenweem Festival

In one of my earlier posts I talked about the paintings I was entering for the East Neuk Art Club Exhibition during the Pittenweem Festival. I am really pleased to say that I sold seven paintings. I won't make a fortune but its nice to know that seven of my paintings will be on the walls of different people's houses. I hope they enjoy them! My harbour scenes seem to be particularly popular; I sold several back in Easter at the Crail Art Club Exhibitions. My Autumn Day in Saint Andrews also sold as did one of my Iris paintings from last year. 

Monday 8 August 2016

More experiments with ink and paint

On Saturday I sold three paintings at the East Neuk Art Club Exhibition during the PIttenweem Festival - very exciting. In the meantime, I've been experimenting again with ink and paint with some interesting results. First of all, another scene from Cambo woods:

Cambo Woods
Ink and acrylic

Secondly, an adaptation of part of one of my previous paintings of Crail Harbour:

In Harbour
Ink and acrylic

And, two versions of tree motif, based on the old Spanish chestnut tree at Balmerino Abbey in Fife:

The Old Tree (1)
Ink and acrylic

The Old Tree (2)
Ink and acrylic

Sunday 7 August 2016

Poppies and Pittenweem

The Pittenweem Art Festival has begun and the little town was crowded yesterday. I'm hoping for a few sales since the East Neuk Art Club exhibition is on at the same time but there are so many good works of art around at this time that any sale is something to be pleased about!

In the meantime, I've been experimenting with some more ink and paint and pastel works:

Acrylic and Ink

Pastel and Ink

Saturday 30 July 2016

Grandchildren's art

I've spent what time I have had to paint this week experimenting with the block printing/painting techique as desccribed last week. Rather than post more of the same I am posting two paintings done by my grand children this week. I think painting is a wonderful way for children to express themselves. I look back to when I was at school and feel sad that art was regarded as something students did when they were not thought capable of doing more academic subjects. 

Dogger by Sophie Palmer (aged 9)
This is a lovely painting of her favourite toy/

Elephant (we decided) by  Hayden Palmer (aged nearly 2)

Monday 25 July 2016

The Hotest Day of the Year at Cambo!

As I mentioned in my recent post, last week I was lucky enough to be on an art course based at Cambo. Tuesday must have been the hotest day of the year here in Fife. I found some lovely sheltered spots to sit whilst I sketched but I think that the heat of the day shines through in this painting. This is an acrylic painting using brush, palette knife and sponge to achieve a varied finish and a mainly cool palette with a few hints of warmer colours. I am especially pleased with the finish of the tree.

Summer at Cambo House

Saturday 23 July 2016

Cambo and the Edinburgh Drawing School

I have spent most of the last week at Cambo House, near to where I live, on an art course, run by the Edinburgh Drawing School, with the artist Paul Mowat. It was an intense few days which certainly got me out of my comfort zone as far as painting and drawng is concerned.

On one of the hotest days of the year it was pleasant to wander through Cambo woods and select a couple of places to do some sketching. Unfortunately, we had to work in charcoal and chalk pastels - a couple of media I never feel confident with. But, I found a couple of lovely spots in the woods:

These drawings were used as the basis for a selection of mixed media works - block printing on a randomly painted ground followed by a little more carefully targetted painting. The results, which are mirror images due to the printing process, are very different from my usual work:

 More to follow............

Friday 22 July 2016

New Beginnings

I have neglected this blog for a few month so I am going to start it afresh. I am going to begin with some of the paintings I am hoping to sell at the East Neuk Art Club Exhibition at Pittenweem New Town Hall, Session Street, during the Pittenweem Festival (6th to 14th August 2016).

Several paintings are of local scenes. The harbour scenes, the Autumn Day in Saint Andrews and the Flower Meadow have been made using a scraffito technique with acrylic paint over oil pastels of complementary colours. I have tried to get a balance of warm and cool colours.

Crail Harbour
Mixed Media
This will be on sale, mounted and framed, for £75

Pittenweem Harbour
Mixed Media
This will be on sale, mounted and framed, for £60

Anstruther Harbour Festival
Mixed Media
This will be on sale, mounted and framed, for £75

Autumn Day in Saint Andrews
Mixed Media
This will be on sale, mounted, for £15

Several are of one of my favourite subjects for painting, flowers:

Flower Meadow - based on the wild flowers in Bankie Park, Anstruther
Mixed Media
This will be for sale, framed, for £30

Red Poppies
This will be for sale, framed and mounted, for £60

Pink Poppies
Mixed Media
This will be for sale, framed and mounted, £50

 Himalayan Poppies - as seen in the grounds of Cawdor Castle
This will be for sale, mounted, for £20

A rare subject for me, a still life:

Still Life with Bastet


This will be for sale, mounted, for £15

And an Italian scene:

A View of Siena
This will be for sale, mounted, for £15